It is not recommended to take Herbal Tincture ROSMARIN with alcohol due to the direct counteraction of some beneficial actions. Also there are some indirect mechanisms, for example, a decrease in useful zinc under the influence of alcohol disposal processes in the liver.
Difficulty concentrating: a sign that can occur as a result of physical, psychological or emotional problems. It is characterised by an inability to focus on a particular problem, situation or task. Difficulty concentrating may be associated memory disturbances. It can be a serious problem at work or school.
Difficulties may be due to:
Diseases of the circulatory organs.
Mental and behavioural disorders - depression, generalised anxiety disorder, stress, alcoholism, acute stress reaction, post-traumatic stress disorder, anorexia, attention deficit disorder.
Diseases of the nervous system - sleep disorders (insomnia, drowsiness), apnoea
Diseases of the digestive system - liver failure.
Diseases of the genitourinary system - renal failure, premenstrual tension syndrome, disorders of menopause or the period around it.
What is dementia?Dementia is a progressive disease, with symptoms worsening over the years. Initially, it starts with memory loss. Gradually, more and more functions of the brain are lost, to the point where even basic mental and physical activities are unable to take place. As dementia progresses, a person may lose the ability to recognize friends and family, think critically, perform a group of tasks, and sometimes even speak. In most cases, dementia is incurable. The life expectancy for a person with the disease varies, ranging from months to years.
Първоначалния симптом за деменция е загуба на памет. Въпреки че при всеки човек паметта се губи от време на време, загубата на памет при деменцията е по-дълбока и може да засегне способността за функциониране. Например – нормално е да забравите къде сте оставили ключа от колата, но не е нормално да забравите как се използва той – това най-вероятно е симптом за деменция.